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What Consumers Think About Your ESG Efforts

For decades, businesses have framed their practices through the lens of sustainability to comply with issues that are top-of-mind for consumers. In a comprehensive survey of key general publics, we uncovered just how savvy consumers are when it comes to authenticity as it relates to sustainability.

Sustainability Survey

Boston Digital president and CEO, Peter Prodromou.

“Many of the findings were in line with our assumptions, while others were surprising,” said Boston Digital president and CEO, Peter Prodromou. “We know that people have great faith in technology to solve problems, yet people don’t factor in the huge energy drain these companies create through server farms and crypto mining, among other things. The other great reveal is the similarity of attitudes across generations and education levels, which tracks to our research about the Impulse Generation.”

Unlock Your Path To Growth

Our Perspective

The world is cybernetic, but only people can unlock growth. We’ve been in the trenches of digital for over two decades, pursuing a vision of technology grounded in how people actually are, paving a path forward for businesses through rigorous behavioral analysis and an unbending dedication to the quality of our execution.

Our Expertise


Digital Experiences

Digital Marketing

Managed Services

Our Work

We find beauty in the details. When it comes to generating business outcomes for our partners, whether through strategy, data analysis, technology, or expertly crafted digital experiences, our commitment to understanding the details of human behavior drives sustained growth and lasting competitive advantage.